Relationships are Divine
Relationships are Divine
What is a relationship? A bond between two or multiple individuals that support you physically, mentally and spiritually or is a relationship simply more than that? I say relationships are a gift from God and can be in any form, be it Love or friendship.
A good relationship emerges from support, love, mutual respect and understanding each other. A healthy relationship can bring the best out of a person and relieve you from all the outer world worries. A relationship is not just what you get from your biological parents. A person creates multiple relationships along the journey of his life.
Humans being a social animal needs to build a relationship so that it can share their life experiences with the other person. Relationships not only help us with our emotional well-being but also creates stability in our lives and helps us to socialize with other people

Let take an example of one relationship. Friendship!!The most divine relation after parents come in the form of Friends. Someone who is always there for you to listen to everything you say. Someone who is there to support you when no one else does & also be the first one to criticize you when you do something wrong. There is nothing that can match the compassion and relation of friendship.
” The most important thing in life to hold on to is Relationship!! “
A relationship can be made better with gifts. A personalized photo frame, a customized coffee mug with an image or quote, clothing accessories, decorative cushions. The variety is endless. Gifting something to your loved one is just a way of saying “Thank you for being there when I need you the most”. So, spend some time with your loved one and buy a gift for them, making them feel special.
The relationship makes you a better person as each relation teaches you many different things. A relationship with parents teaches you,
unconditional love, respect for elders and keeping others happiness before self. A couple’s relationship teaches you to respect each other, love each other and being honest with each other. A friend’s relationship teaches you to be your true self in front of your friends, sharing everything and support when the time needs it.
A person can keep building relationships along the way of his life. Meeting new people and getting inspired by them to work on new possibilities.
So, if you are truly happy being around the person, sharing your thoughts with them, being your true self with them and relieved of your worries, then Yes!! Your relationship is divine.